From Monolith to Microservices


  • Most new companies today run their business processes in the cloud.
  • Newer startups and enterprises which realized early enough the direction technology was headed developed their applications for the cloud.
  • Not all companies were so fortunate. Some built their success decades ago on top of legacy technologies - monolithic applications with all components tightly coupled and almost impossible to separate, a nightmare to manage and deployed on super expensive hardware.
  • If working for an organization which refers to their main business application “the black box”, where nobody knows what happens inside and most logic was never documented, leaving everyone clueless as to what and how things happen from the moment a request enters the application until a response comes out, and you are tasked to convert this business application into a cloud-ready set of applications, then you may be in for a very long and bumpy ride.

The Legacy Monolith

  • Although most enterprises believe that the cloud will be the new home for legacy applications, not all legacy applications are a fit for the cloud, at least not yet.
  • Moving an application to the cloud should be as easy as walking on the beach and collecting pebbles in a bucket and easily carry them wherever needed. A 1000-ton boulder, on the other hand, is not easy to carry at all. This boulder represents the monolith application - sedimented layers of features and redundant logic translated into thousands of lines of code, written in a single, not so modern programming language, based on outdated software architecture patterns and principles.
  • In time, the new features and improvements added to code complexity, making development more challenging - loading, compiling, and building times increase with every new update. However, there is some ease in administration as the application is running on a single server, ideally a Virtual Machine or a Mainframe.
  • A monolith has a rather expensive taste in hardware. Being a large, single piece of software which continuously grows, it has to run on a single system which has to satisfy its compute, memory, storage, and networking requirements. The hardware of such capacity is not only complex and extremely pricey, but at times challenging to procure.
  • Since the entire monolith application runs as a single process, the scaling of individual features of the monolith is almost impossible. It internally supports a hardcoded number of connections and operations. However, scaling the entire application can be achieved by manually deploying a new instance of the monolith on another server, typically behind a load balancing appliance - another pricey solution.
  • During upgrades, patches or migrations of the monolith application downtime is inevitable and maintenance windows have to be planned well in advance as disruptions in service are expected to impact clients. While there are third party solutions to minimize downtime to customers by setting up monolith applications in a highly available active/passive configuration, they introduce new challenges for system engineers to keep all systems at the same patch level and may introduce new possible licensing costs.

The Modern Microservice

  • Pebbles, as opposed to the 1000-ton boulder, are much easier to handle. They are carved out of the monolith, separated from one another, becoming distributed components each described by a set of specific characteristics. Once weighed all together, the pebbles make up the weight of the entire boulder. These pebbles represent loosely coupled microservices, each performing a specific business function. All the functions grouped together form the overall functionality of the original monolithic application. Pebbles are easy to select and group together based on color, size, shape, and require minimal effort to relocate when needed. Try relocating the 1000-ton boulder, effortlessly.
  • Microservices can be deployed individually on separate servers provisioned with fewer resources - only what is required by each service and the host system itself, helping to lower compute resource expenses.
  • Microservices-based architecture is aligned with Event-driven Architecture and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) principles, where complex applications are composed of small independent processes which communicate with each other through APIs over a network. APIs allow access by other internal services of the same application or external, third-party services and applications.
  • Each microservice is developed and written in a modern programming language, selected to be the best suitable for the type of service and its business function. This offers a great deal of flexibility when matching microservices with specific hardware when required, allowing deployments on inexpensive commodity hardware.
  • Although the distributed nature of microservices adds complexity to the architecture, one of the greatest benefits of microservices is scalability. With the overall application becoming modular, each microservice can be scaled individually, either manually or automated through demand-based autoscaling.
  • Seamless upgrades and patching processes are other benefits of microservices architecture. There is virtually no downtime and no service disruption to clients because upgrades are rolled out seamlessly - one service at a time, rather than having to re-compile, re-build and re-start an entire monolithic application. As a result, businesses are able to develop and roll-out new features and updates a lot faster, in an agile approach, having separate teams focusing on separate features, thus being more productive and cost-effective.


  • Newer, more modern enterprises possess the knowledge and technology to build cloud-native applications that power their business.
  • Unfortunately, that is not the case for established enterprises running on legacy monolithic applications. Some have tried to run monoliths as microservices, and as one would expect, it did not work very well. The lessons learned were that a monolithic size multi-process application cannot run as a microservice and that other options had to be explored. The next natural step in the path of the monolith to microservices transition was refactoring. However, migrating a decades-old application to the cloud through refactoring poses serious challenges and the enterprise faces the refactoring approach dilemma: a “Big-bang” approach or an incremental refactoring.
  • A so-called “Big-bang” approach focuses all efforts with the refactoring of the monolith, postponing the development and implementation of any new features - essentially delaying progress and possibly, in the process, even breaking the core of the business, the monolith.
  • An incremental refactoring approach guarantees that new features are developed and implemented as modern microservices which are able to communicate with the monolith through APIs, without appending to the monolith’s code. In the meantime, features are refactored out of the monolith which slowly fades away while all, or most its functionality is modernized into microservices. This incremental approach offers a gradual transition from a legacy monolith to modern microservices architecture and allows for phased migration of application features into the cloud.
  • Once an enterprise chose the refactoring path, there are other considerations in the process. Which business components to separate from the monolith to become distributed microservices, how to decouple the databases from the application to separate data complexity from application logic, and how to test the new microservices and their dependencies, are just a few of the decisions an enterprise is faced with during refactoring.
  • The refactoring phase slowly transforms the monolith into a cloud-native application which takes full advantage of cloud features, by coding in new programming languages and applying modern architectural patterns. Through refactoring, a legacy monolith application receives a second chance at life - to live on as a modular system adapted to fully integrate with today’s fast-paced cloud automation tools and services.


  • The refactoring path from a monolith to microservices is not smooth and without challenges. Not all monoliths are perfect candidates for refactoring, while some may not even “survive” such a modernization phase. When deciding whether a monolith is a possible candidate for refactoring, there are many possible issues to consider.
  • When considering a legacy Mainframe based system, written in older programming languages - Cobol or Assembler, it may be more economical to just re-build it from the ground up as a cloud-native application. A poorly designed legacy application should be re-designed and re-built from scratch following modern architectural patterns for microservices and even containers. Applications tightly coupled with data stores are also poor candidates for refactoring.
  • Once the monolith survived the refactoring phase, the next challenge is to design mechanisms or find suitable tools to keep alive all the decoupled modules to ensure application resiliency as a whole.
  • Choosing run-times may be another challenge. If deploying many modules on a single physical or virtual server, chances are that different libraries and runtime environment may conflict with one another causing errors and failures. This forces deployments of single modules per servers in order to separate their dependencies - not an economical way of resource management, and no real segregation of libraries and runtimes, as each server also has an underlying Operating System running with its libraries, thus consuming server resources - at times the OS consuming more resources than the application module itself.
  • Ultimately application containers came along, providing encapsulated lightweight runtime environments for application modules. Containers promised consistent software environments for developers, testers, all the way from Development to Production. Wide support of containers ensured application portability from physical bare-metal to Virtual Machines, but this time with multiple applications deployed on the very same server, each running in their own execution environments isolated from one another, thus avoiding conflicts, errors, and failures. Other features of containerized application environments are higher server utilization, individual module scalability, flexibility, interoperability and easy integration with automation tools.

Success Stories

Although a challenging process, moving from monoliths to microservices is a rewarding journey especially once a business starts to see growth and success delivered by a refactored application system. Below we are listing only a handful of the success stories of companies which rose to the challenge to modernize their monolith business applications. A detailed list of success stories is available at the Kubernetes website: Kubernetes User Case Studies.

  • AppDirect - an end-to-end commerce platform provider, started from a complex monolith application and through refactoring was able to retain limited functionality monoliths receiving very few commits, but all new features implemented as containerized microservices.
  • Box - a cloud storage solutions provider, started from a complex monolith architecture and through refactoring was able to decompose it into microservices.
  • Crowdfire - a content management solutions provider, successfully broke down their initial monolith into microservices.
  • GolfNow - a technology and services provider, decided to break their monoliths apart into containerized microservices.
  • Pinterest - a social media services provider, started the refactoring process by first migrating their monolith API.

Learning Objectives (Review)

By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Explain what a monolith is.
  • Discuss the monolith’s challenges in the cloud.
  • Explain the concept of microservices.
  • Discuss microservices advantages in the cloud.
  • Describe the transformation path from a monolith to microservices.